Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1

Front Matter

Title page and table of contents

Louise Benson James

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1


An Van Raemdonck, Chloé Janssen and Louise Benson James

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 1-3


DiGeSt: The Journal’s Genesis

Marysa Demoor

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 4-8

Canaries in the Coal Mine: On the Political Representation and Participation of Social Groups

Petra Meier

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 9-13

Assimilationism, Sexual Nationalism, and the Backlash Against Gender and Sexuality

Paul Mepschen

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 14-20

Identity is a Verb (which makes Inclusion a Methodological Challenge)

Joke Hermes

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 21-27

Critical Diversity Studies at a Juncture: Mobilizing Theories of Difference in and beyond Capitalism

Patrizia Zanoni

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 28-35


No More Simultaneous Chess: Understanding Dropout of Local-Level Women Politicians in Gendered Institutions

Zahra Runderkamp

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 36-49

Gender, Sexuality and Non-Academic Impact: Exploring the Role of Gender and Sexuality (Studies) in the 2021 “Research Excellence Framework”

Florian Vanlee

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 50-67

On the Crossroad of Bisexual Theory and Affect Theory: Bisexual Shame as an Emotion Shaped by Heterosexism and Biphobia

Babette Lagrange

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 68-84

Priawan in Indonesia: A Study of Transmasculine Female-to-Male Individuals

Myrtati Dyah Artaria, Sayf Muhammad Alaydrus, Azzah Kania Budianto, Dwi Prasetyo, Charanjit Kaur and Maciej Henneberg

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 85-103

What are you reading?

Segal, L. (2014). Out of time: The pleasures and perils of ageing. London: Verso Books. Review by Carla Besora Barti

Carla Besora Barti

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 104-106

Wallaert, S. (2023). Kwaad Spreken: Wie Gelooft de Boze Vrouw?.  Borgerhout: Letterwerk. Review by Alexia Debbaut

Alexia Debbaut

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 107-110

Fraiman, S. (2017). Extreme Domesticity: A View from the Margins. New York: Columbia University Press. Review by Yishi Pan

Yishi Pan

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 111-113

Tsing, A. (2015). The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Review by Sarah Postema-Toews

Sarah Postema-Toews

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 114-116

Burlyuk, O., & Rahbari, L. (Eds.). (2023). Migrant Academics’ Narratives of Precarity and Resilience in Europe. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers. Review by Zuzanna Ściborska and Luisa Voss  

Zuzanna Ściborska and Luisa Voss

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 117-120

Majewska, E. (2021). Feminist Antifascism: Counterpublics of the Common. London: Verso Books. Review by Jonas Vanderschueren

Jonas Vanderschueren

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 121-123

Laes, C., Goodey, C.F., Rose, M.L. (2013). Disabilities in Roman Antiquity: Disparate Bodies a Capite ad Calcem. Review by Nina Van der Sype

Nina Van der Sype

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 124-126

Bak, M. A. (2020). Playful Visions: Optical Toys and the Emergence of Children’s Media Culture. Cambridge: The MIT Press. Review by Eva Van de Wiele

Eva Van de Wiele

2024-06-24 Volume 11 • Issue 1 • 2024 • General Issue 11.1 • 127-130

Latest Announcements and calls Posts

Posted by An Van Raemdonck on 2023-09-15

DiGeSt – Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies - is an open access, bi-annual, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary and international journal hosted by Ghent University, included in DOAJ, Scopus and VABB list.The journal aims to strengthen academic research at the intersection of Gender and Sexuality Studies on the one hand, and Diversity studies on the other, including discussions of [...]

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